Sometimes, you are at a point in your life where you have limited time, energy, and/or money and you still need to make it out the door with the garments you have available which may be failing you for whatever reason. Such a time in my life was marked by the safety pin onesie.
When I was at my home club on the East Coast, I overestimated my reliable income from the club and dumped all of my savings into renting a big and too expensive apartment. Within a few months I also changed birth control methods and adopted a dog. In hindsight, this was a very bad combination of decisions to make.
Within a year, underlying reproductive health issues surfaced that caused depression, fatigue, and weight gain. Many of my staple little club dresses didn’t look as cute as they used to and the new dog also had a habit of eating the crotch out of any item of clothing left somewhere she could reach it. I was working more shifts for less money, behind on rent, having a hard time finding any other type of more stable employment, and sustained a couple of stage/strain related injuries that put a stop to some of my more impressive pole moves.
What I did figure out during this time that none of my clothing fit me was that while a somewhat precarious method of crotch closure, I could extend the life of some of daywear with pants onesies that had been destroyed by the dog AND make a more flattering no-sew one piece garment out of those little dresses with nothing but a safety pin or two and a pair of scissors.
Some of these onesies still make it into my garment rotation to this day (I suspect I will also never get over some of my misgivings about people who pay money to learn pole dance solely as an excercise/art form without the 8-10 hour shifts multiple days a week in 7 inch heels, but that is a soapbox for another day).